Wednesday, 9 February 2011

The Power of Plastic...

Over the years, I've found that most people are genuinely surprised at what a dentist can do for them - right when they don't expect it.

At events where maybe we've been promoting our more "headline" services - such as tooth whitening and invisible braces - we also get into conversations about things which we don't realise that people don't know about and as a profession maybe take for granted......

So, heres an example: Invisible repairs to teeth.

How many people do I end up talking to whilst having to force myself to look at the floor, because they've got an alleged white filling on a front tooth that is the colour of vegetable soup and in dire need of retirement?

If this is you - rejoice - it needn't be like that. Neither do you need wall to wall veneers or a remortgage. You know how you can get stone chips in your windscreen fixed with that big sucky thing and some clever clear resin? I think its someone like Autoglass.....Well, this the toothey equivalent - we can repair the damaged bits and leave what is good well alone.

I spent an great day with a superb teacher in London last week building teeth, which to me is about as good as it gets - yes, sad I know. If you're brave you can check out the pic on my FB page:

Using the latest plastic resin techniques, built up in tiny layers with coloured tints and spots to mimic tooth structure, we made the teeth of 20 year olds, of 50 year olds, and 70 year olds. All different, all constructed to reflect the effects of time on our little enamel friends.

The benefit? Simply that a properly trained dentist can make good the bits of a natural tooth that are missing or damaged, leaving the good bits alone - and you can't see the join.

I don't refer this work as "doing fillings" - its art.

How does that sound?

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